LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_initialize () |
| Initialize the LCI runtime. No LCI calls are allowed to be called before LCI_initialize except LCI_initialized. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_initialized (int *flag) |
| Check whether the LCI runtime has been initialized. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_finalize () |
| Finalize the LCI runtime. No LCI calls are allowed to be called after LCI_finalize except LCI_initialized. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_barrier () |
| Invoke a barrier across all LCI processes in the same job. The call will block the calling thread until the barrier completes. This is not thread-safe. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_device_init (LCI_device_t *device_ptr) |
| Initialize a device. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_device_free (LCI_device_t *device_ptr) |
| Initialize a device. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_create (LCI_plist_t *plist_ptr) |
| Create a property list. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_free (LCI_plist_t *plist_ptr) |
| Free a property list. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_get (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_plist_t *plist_ptr) |
| Query the property list of an endpoint. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_decode (LCI_plist_t plist, char *string) |
| Decode a property list into a string. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_set_match_type (LCI_plist_t plist, LCI_match_t match_type) |
| Set the tag matching rule of the property list. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_set_comp_type (LCI_plist_t plist, LCI_port_t port, LCI_comp_type_t comp_type) |
| Set the completion mechanism of the property list. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_plist_set_default_comp (LCI_plist_t plist, LCI_comp_t comp) |
| Set the default completion mechanism of the property list. The default completion mechanism will be triggered by a remote one-sided communication operation through LCI_DEFAULT_COMP_REMOTE. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_endpoint_init (LCI_endpoint_t *ep_ptr, LCI_device_t device, LCI_plist_t plist) |
| Create an endpoint according to a property list. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_endpoint_free (LCI_endpoint_t *ep_ptr) |
| Free an endpoint. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sends (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_short_t src, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag) |
| Send a short message (up to LCI_SHORT_SIZE bytes). The send buffer can be immediately reused. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sendm (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_mbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag) |
| Send a medium message with a user-provided buffer (up to LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE bytes). The send buffer can be immediately reused. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sendmn (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_mbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag) |
| Send a medium message with a LCI-provided buffer (allocated by LCI_mbuffer_alloc, up to LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE bytes). The send buffer will be directly returned to LCI if send succeeds so users should not use it anymore. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sendl (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_lbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, LCI_comp_t completion, void *user_context) |
| Send a long message with a user-provided buffer. The send buffer cannot be reused until the associated completion object marks this operation as completed. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_recvs (LCI_endpoint_t ep, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, LCI_comp_t completion, void *user_context) |
| Receive a short message (up to LCI_SHORT_SIZE bytes). The received message will be delivered through the completion object. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_recvm (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_mbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, LCI_comp_t completion, void *user_context) |
| Receive a medium message (up to LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE bytes) into a user-provided buffer. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_recvmn (LCI_endpoint_t ep, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, LCI_comp_t completion, void *user_context) |
| Receive a medium message (up to LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE bytes) into a LCI-provided buffer. The receive buffer will be delivered to users through the completion object and should be returned to the runtime through LCI_mbuffer_free. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_recvl (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_lbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, LCI_comp_t completion, void *user_context) |
| Receive a long message into a user-provided buffer. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_puts (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_short_t src, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, uintptr_t remote_completion) |
| Send a short message (up to LCI_SHORT_SIZE bytes). The send buffer can be immediately reused. On the receive side, No receive needs to be posted and the data will be delivered through the remote completion object. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_putma (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_mbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, uintptr_t remote_completion) |
| Send a medium message with a user-provided buffer (up to LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE bytes). The send buffer can be immediately reused. On the receive side, No receive needs to be posted and the data will be delivered through the remote completion object. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_putmna (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_mbuffer_t buffer, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, uintptr_t remote_completion) |
| Send a medium message with a LCI-provided buffer (allocated by LCI_mbuffer_alloc, up to LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE bytes). The send buffer will be directly returned to LCI if send succeeds so users should not use it anymore. On the receive side, No receive needs to be posted and the data will be delivered through the remote completion object. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_putla (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_lbuffer_t buffer, LCI_comp_t completion, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, uintptr_t remote_completion, void *user_context) |
| Send a long message with a user-provided buffer. The send buffer cannot be reused until the associated completion object marks this operation as completed. On the receive side, No receive needs to be posted and the data will be delivered through the remote completion object. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_putva (LCI_endpoint_t ep, LCI_iovec_t iovec, LCI_comp_t completion, int rank, LCI_tag_t tag, uintptr_t remote_completion, void *user_context) |
| Send an iovec with user-provided buffers. The piggyback buffer can be immediately reused. The long buffers cannot be reused until the associated completion object marks this operation as completed. On the receive side, No receive needs to be posted and the data will be delivered through the remote completion object. More...
LCI_API size_t | LCI_get_iovec_piggy_back_size (int count) |
| Return the maximum size of the piggyback buffer in an iovec with given number of long buffers. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_create (LCI_device_t device, LCI_comp_t *cq) |
| Create a completion queue. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_free (LCI_comp_t *cq) |
| Free a completion queue. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_pop (LCI_comp_t cq, LCI_request_t *request) |
| Pop one entry from the completion queue. This call is nonblocking. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_wait (LCI_comp_t cq, LCI_request_t *request) |
| Pop one entry from the completion queue. This call will block the calling thread until there is an entry to be popped. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_pop_multiple (LCI_comp_t cq, size_t request_count, LCI_request_t *requests, size_t *return_count) |
| Pop multiple entry from the completion queue. This call is nonblocking. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_wait_multiple (LCI_comp_t cq, size_t request_count, LCI_request_t *requests) |
| Pop multiple entry from the completion queue.This call will block the calling thread until request_count entries has been popped. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_queue_len (LCI_comp_t cq, size_t *len) |
| Query the number of entries in a completion queue. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sync_create (LCI_device_t device, int threshold, LCI_comp_t *completion) |
| Create a synchronizer. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sync_free (LCI_comp_t *completion) |
| Free a synchronizer. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sync_signal (LCI_comp_t completion, LCI_request_t request) |
| Signal a synchronizer once. A synchronizer needs to be signaled threshold time to be considered triggered. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sync_wait (LCI_comp_t completion, LCI_request_t request[]) |
| Wait for a synchronizer to be triggered. A synchronizer will be triggered if all the associated operations are completed. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_sync_test (LCI_comp_t completion, LCI_request_t request[]) |
| Test whether a synchronizer has been triggered. A synchronizer will be triggered if all the associated operations are completed. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_handler_create (LCI_device_t device, LCI_handler_t handler, LCI_comp_t *completion) |
| Create an active message handler. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_progress (LCI_device_t device) |
| Make progress on the background works of a device. This function is not thread-safe. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_memory_register (LCI_device_t device, void *address, size_t length, LCI_segment_t *segment) |
| Register a memory region to a device. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_memory_deregister (LCI_segment_t *segment) |
| Deregister a memory region. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_mbuffer_alloc (LCI_device_t device, LCI_mbuffer_t *mbuffer) |
| Get a pre-registered memory buffer of size LCI_MEDIUM_SIZE. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_mbuffer_free (LCI_mbuffer_t mbuffer) |
| Return a pre-registered memory buffer to the LCI runtime. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_lbuffer_alloc (LCI_device_t device, size_t size, LCI_lbuffer_t *lbuffer) |
| Allocate a memory buffer of arbitrary size and register it. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_lbuffer_memalign (LCI_device_t device, size_t size, size_t alignment, LCI_lbuffer_t *lbuffer) |
| Allocate a memory buffer of arbitrary size with a specific alignment and register it. More...
LCI_API LCI_error_t | LCI_lbuffer_free (LCI_lbuffer_t lbuffer) |
| Deregister and free a memory buffer. More...