Lightweight Communication Interface (LCI)

Implementation of a cool communication layer.



cmake .
make install

Important CMake variables

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install: Where to install LCI
    • This is the same across all the cmake projects.
  • LCI_DEBUG=ON/OFF: Enable/disable the debug mode (more assertions and logs). The default value is OFF.
  • LCI_SERVER=ibv/ofi: Hint to which network backend to use. If both ibv and ofi are found, LCI will use the one indicated by this variable. The default value is ibv. Typically, you don't need to modify this variable as if libibverbs presents, it is likely to be the recommended one to use.
    • ibv: libibverbs, typically for infiniband.
    • ofi: libfabrics, for all other networks (slingshot-11, ethernet, shared memory).
  • LCI_FORCE_SERVER=ON/OFF: Default value is OFF. If it is set to ON, LCI_SERVER will not be treated as a hint but a requirement.

Run LCI applications

We use the same mechanisms as MPI to launch LCI processes, so you can use the same way you run MPI applications to run LCI applications. Typically, it would be mpirun or srun. For example,

mpirun -n 2 ./hello_world


srun -n 2 ./hello_world

Write an LCI program

See examples and tests for some example code.

See src/api/lci.h for public APIs.

doxygen for a full documentation.


See LICENSE file.